Our Scout Troop…

Scouts are for young people, both boys and girls, aged between 10 1/2 and 14 years old. Scouts is all about having fun, making new friends and trying new things! To join the Scouts there is no requirement to have been a Cub Scout first, however if the Scouts are full we give priority to Cub Scouts who are old enough to move up. Scouts take part in a balanced programme of different activities, that help them find out about the world they live in, encourages them to know their own abilities and helps develop their creative talents. Within the programme Scouts take part in traditional scouting skills, such as camping, survival, cooking etc., and a wide range of adventurous activities including Climbing, Canoeing, Abseiling, and Laser Tag. Enjoying the outdoors and learning new skills are a big part of what we do!

The highlight of the year for most Scouts is our annual summer camp. This is a longer camp, often for a week, when the Scouts camp in patrols, cook their own meals, and take part in various adventurous activities!

1st Godstone Scouts meet in the Endeavour on a Tuesday evening from 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm.

Joining the Troop…

We are a large and busy troop and unfortunately have no spaces for new members. Only cub scouts from our group will be able to move into the troop for the foreseeable future…

When new Scouts join the Troop, they make the Scout Promise during a special ceremony called an Investiture. The promise is an important part of becoming a member of the troop, and by making the promise, a Scout commits to try their best and to keep the Scout Law.

To find out where all those badges go, Please follow the link below.

Our partner Explorer Scout Unit…

Following on from Scouts we have formed links with the local Explorer Scout Unit, The Unit takes former Scouts aged 14 to 18 from our Scout Group and from other Groups in the East Surrey District. Explorers take part in more grown-up activities, including working towards the bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh awards.

Our waiting list is stored on a system called Online Scout Manager. To add your child to the waiting list, please fill in the form by using the button below;


JoinUs Button

We are a busy Scout group, The best way to keep up to date with what we are doing is via Facebook and Instagram.

Check out our latest posts and make sure to follow us here.